Use "likeIgnoreCase" instead of "like" ...
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:19 PM, John Armstrong <> wrote:
> I couldn't quite get the EJBQL syntax right so I ended up using fromString
> Expression qual = Expression.fromString("code like $license and
> claimedunits < totalunits");
> java.util.Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
> params.put("license", licenseCode.trim());
> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(License.class,
> qual).queryWithParameters(params);
> Seemed to work although I need to tweak the like for case
> insensitivity. I'll do that tomorrow.
> Thanks-
> John-
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Andrey Razumovsky
> <> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> You should try EJBQL:
>> select t0 from License t0 where t0.claimedunits < t0.totalunits AND ....
>> 2009/3/26 John Armstrong <>
>>> Hi, I need to do a selection on a table partially based on comparing
>>> two elements
>>> of that table. Basically a 'total' and a 'current' where total is a
>>> changing value and needs to be compared to current to see if the row
>>> is valid. Its a floating license system for an app I am building.
>>> This obviously does not work since it expects a numeric, not a string,
>>> in the value:
>>> Expression qual = ExpressionFactory.likeIgnoreCaseExp(
>>> com.pgi.License.CODE_PROPERTY,
>>> licenseCode.trim())
>>> .andExp(
>>> ExpressionFactory.lessExp(
>>> com.pgi.License.CLAIMEDUNITS_PROPERTY,
>>> com.pgi.License.TOTALUNITS_PROPERTY));
>>> How can I get to to generate SQL like this :
>>> SELECT t0.license, t0.code, t0.licensetype, t0.product,,
>>> t0.validfrom, t0.totalunits, t0.user, t0.validto, t0.datecreated,
>>> t0.claimedunits FROM license t0 WHERE (UPPER(t0.code) LIKE
>>> UPPER('7GEN-BTPTDF')) AND (t0.claimedunits < t0.totalunits);
>>> How would I structure an Expression so that it does an internal
>>> comparison. I know an SQLTemplate can do it, is this one of those
>>> times that ExpressionFactory is not really suited to the task?
>>> J
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