API wish(es)

From: Borut Bolčina (borut.bolcin..mail.com)
Date: Mon Apr 06 2009 - 07:37:03 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: API wish(es)"


    would it be possible to add one method in DataObjectUtils,

    DataObjectA dataObjectA = DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(dataContext,
    DataObjectA.class, 1, QueryCacheStrategy.NO_CACHE);

    which would always return a fresh object.

    By the way, is this the correct way of fetching an object directly
    from database?

    Expression e = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(DataObjectA.ID_PK_COLUMN, "1");
    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(DataObjectA.class, e);
    List list = dataContext.performQuery(query);

    DataObjectA objectA= null;
    if (list.size() > 0) {
        objectA= (DataObjectA) list.get(0);

    The above code would still use object cache, right, so I will not be
    getting the object with values as set in database (maybe changed by
    3rd party process). How to overcome this in the above code?

    Also, wouldn't it be convenient if performQuery could return just one
    object so we do not have to always type the boilerplate
    if(list.size>0) ?


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