Re: API wish(es)

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Mon Apr 06 2009 - 14:40:44 EDT

  • Next message: Borut Bolčina: "Re: API wish(es)"


    so if this is the table:

    create table health_monitor (id int not null, date_check datetime, primary
    key (id)) engine=InnoDB;

    then this

    ObjectId id = new ObjectId("health_monitor", HealthMonitor.ID_PK_COLUMN, 1);
    HealthMonitor healthMonitor = (HealthMonitor)
    DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(dataContext, new ObjectIdQuery(id,
       false, ObjectIdQuery.CACHE_REFRESH));
    Date date = healthMonitor.getDateCheck();

    would be equivalent for

    select date_check from health_monitor where id=1;

    in plain old sql?

    I did not actually try the above code, so I don't know if it really works,
    but I feel there must be a simpler way?!?


    2009/4/6 Andrey Razumovsky <>:
    > The correct way to get fresh object is similiar to the method in
    > DataObjectUtils:
    > public static Object freshObjectForPK(ObjectContext context, ObjectId id)
    > return DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(context, new ObjectIdQuery(
    > id,
    > false,
    > ObjectIdQuery.REFRESH));
    > }
    > BTW right here's a method which returns one object of query result
    > 2009/4/6 Borut Bolčina <>
    >> Hi,
    >> would it be possible to add one method in DataObjectUtils,
    >> DataObjectA dataObjectA = DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(dataContext,
    >> DataObjectA.class, 1, QueryCacheStrategy.NO_CACHE);
    >> which would always return a fresh object.
    >> By the way, is this the correct way of fetching an object directly
    >> from database?
    >> Expression e = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(DataObjectA.ID_PK_COLUMN, "1");
    >> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(DataObjectA.class, e);
    >> query.setCacheStrategy(QueryCacheStrategy.NO_CACHE);
    >> List list = dataContext.performQuery(query);
    >> DataObjectA objectA= null;
    >> if (list.size() > 0) {
    >> objectA= (DataObjectA) list.get(0);
    >> }
    >> The above code would still use object cache, right, so I will not be
    >> getting the object with values as set in database (maybe changed by
    >> 3rd party process). How to overcome this in the above code?
    >> Also, wouldn't it be convenient if performQuery could return just one
    >> object so we do not have to always type the boilerplate
    >> if(list.size>0) ?
    >> Regards,
    >> Borut

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