Re: "Can't get primary key from temporary id" :(

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Wed Apr 08 2009 - 08:37:16 EDT

  • Next message: Joseph Schmidt: "Re: "Can't get primary key from temporary id" :("

    It sounds like you are trying to write a record into a log/audit
    table. Have you looked at MySQL triggers to do this? The advantage
    of using a trigger is that even if someone changes it outside of
    Cayenne (the mysql> prompt, etc) the audit table will still be
    populated. Much safer to do it this way if you care about actual

    As for exposing primary keys to the might be fine for a blog
    or similar, but in the work I do it is a big taboo. It identifies too
    much information that could lead to a data breach if you have a
    problem with your application's security. I would only be
    semi-comfortable exposing a primary key if it were encrypted by a
    private key that changed per-session.

    Just my thoughts...


    On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Joseph Schmidt
    <> wrote:
    >> > Can't get primary key from temporary id
    >> > ------------
    >> >
    >> > while trying to access the 'id' of a newly created
    >> object entity A.
    >> > I need this 'id' to write the value together with some
    >> > other fields in some other object entity B inside the same
    >> > transaction. Between A and B there's no relationship (I'm
    >> > using MySQL as a DB and CayenneM5).
    >> The primary key doesn't exist until the record is written
    >> to the database, so you just can't do this. You have two
    >> options:
    >> * write the record to database, fetch it back again and
    >> then you'll have the primary key
    > Than this is not the same transaction :(.
    >> * create a relationship between A and B
    > In this particular case, there's no relationship because the
    > 'id' from entity A is written to a text field in entity B together with other strings, e.g. "Entity A with #id added at #date..."
    > So it's impossible to map here a relationship :(.
    > In other usage scenarios I have, e.g. for entity C, there's no Cayenne relationship because it would mean to connect it with every other table.
    >> If you find yourself using the primary keys directly very
    >> often, you are probably not using Cayenne in the manner it
    >> was intended. The idea is that it removes you from thinking
    >> about database-centric issues like primary keys and just
    >> think about objects and how they relate to each other.
    >> Mostly.
    > Well, I'm not sure about Cayenne, but the entire RESt architecture is based around the idea of using 'id's to identify entities (but not just RESt).
    > If Cayenne can't play simply with 'id's (and it's supposed to be used without them) than I think it automatically excludes itself from most web applications :(, since most of them rely on sending the 'id's back and forth.
    > Is there no other way to get those IDs?
    > How to do e.g. audit with Cayenne? Mostly the audit string or record must be in the same transaction with with what they log.
    > thanks,
    > Joseph.

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