Re: Problem with Connection Pooling - only one connection gets used

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Apr 23 2009 - 05:32:31 EDT

  • Next message: Peter: "Remote Example"

    Very strange... Cayenne works with the DataSource, so whatever
    connection DataSource gives it, it will use it. So could you elaborate
    what you mean by "only one of these connections is used"? Does that
    mean that for a single slow operations, other threads can't get
    connections from the pool?


    On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Detlef Burt wrote:

    > Hi List,
    > Before I start, here's what we currently use:
    > Cayenne 2.0.4
    > MSSQL Server 2005 with jTDS Driver
    > In our application we define the following connection pool:
    > cayenne.dbcp.driverClassName=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
    > cayenne.dbcp.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://darkside:1433/mdb
    > cayenne.dbcp.username=dbuser
    > cayenne.dbcp.password=dbpassword
    > cayenne.dbcp.maxActive=10
    > cayenne.dbcp.minIdle=3
    > cayenne.dbcp.maxIdle=10
    > cayenne.dbcp.maxWait=10000
    > When starting the application everything works fine, we can see 3
    > connections to the MSSQL Server.
    > The Problem is, only one of these connections is used. Because we
    > used external transactions, we disabled them to let cayenne do the
    > committing, but that didn't help either. The only result was, that
    > data wasn't written to the database.
    > We also tried recreating the DataContext every time we access the
    > database, nothing helped.
    > Neither the DBCPDataSourceFactor nor the Cayenne
    > DriverDataSourceFactory return an unused connection.
    > So now my question is:
    > How does Cayenne handle the connection pool? Is there a way to
    > always get an unused connection? Or at least determine why cayenne
    > is always using the same connection?
    > Thanks,
    > Detlef

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