On 24/04/2009, at 7:00 PM, Marco Gattei wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> a newbie question .... Is fetchOffset supported on Sybase ?
> i did some test with cayennne 3 with SelectQuery and fetch offset
> and running code like this:
> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(MyClass.class,
> e.expWithParameters(parametri));
> query.setFetchOffset(10);
> query.setFetchLimit(10);
> List<MyClass> list = performQuery(query);
> on oracle returns only 10 items in the list ....
> on sybase returns 2000 items !!!!!
> I'm missing something ?
It looks like appendLimitAndOffsetClauses(buffer) is not defined for
Sybase. If you'd like to implement it, take a look at the
org.apache.cayenne.dba.oracle.OracleSelectTranslator.java for
comparison. It should be pretty simple to implement if you know the
nuance of Sybase SQL. If you do this, please open a Jira task and
we'll add the code to Cayenne.
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