Re: 3.0 cache documentation

From: Lawrence Gerstley (
Date: Mon May 04 2009 - 13:00:22 EDT

  • Next message: Weddle, Anthony: "RE: Best Practices Question"

    Wonderful read, and very welcome documentation addition, Andrus.

    On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Andrus Adamchik <>wrote:

    > Finally got around to documenting how the caching works in the latest
    > Cayenne:
    > Note that the references to cache groups and factories configuration via
    > the Modeler are applicable to the trunk code (yet unreleased 3.0M6). 3.0M5
    > has all the same features, but working via the API.
    > I tried to stay away from the implementation details and give a user
    > perspective instead. If there is still a feeling that the docs are lacking
    > in this area, please share your thoughts. I will try to address any
    > reasonable suggestions.
    > Andrus

    Lawrence Gerstley, Ph.D.
    PSMI Consulting

    Cel: 415.694-0844

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