Thanks Andrus,
but how did the catalog attribute came into the mapping file? I can not find
a UI element in the modeler to create it. I am just curious, the app is
working fine.
2009/5/6 Andrus Adamchik <>
> "Catalog" and "schema" are interpreted by Cayenne the way JDBC does it,
> i.e. as an abstracted concept of a DB namespace. Each individual DB may have
> different terms for them (or may not even support either of them at all).
> "Catalog" has really no significance to Cayenne, so it can be deleted
> safely from the mapping. "Schema" is a different beast (a different level of
> namcespacipng), and may be important in some cases. Cayenne will prefix all
> table names with schema in the queries. E.g.: "select * from
> myschema.mytable". So just changing catalog to schema is probably not what
> you want.
> If no explicit schema is specified, and you application works, I guess just
> keep it this way.
> Andrus
> On May 6, 2009, at 8:44 AM, Borut Bolčina wrote:
> Hi,
>> I am looking at my mapping file which was initially developed with
>> 3.0M4. I am seeing some dbentity elements having an attribute
>> 'catalog'. Can I remove them by hand and is this attribute now
>> replaced with 'schema'? I am using M5, Cayenne, not the BMW :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Borut
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