modeler + ejbqlquery (again :)

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Thu May 28 2009 - 14:43:18 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Sometimes no data from Relation to small tables"

    So, I finally had a chance to DL 3.0M6 and try out the modeler direct
    from there.
    I first tried creating a new project, with a single table and entity;
    table had an id attribute and a name attribute.
    Then created an EJBQLQuery, very simple: select b from Blah b
    Save/validate... no issues (although it failed to validate when I
    tried adding a simple where clause).
    Next, I opened up the mapping file that was giving me issues before.
    Still does, on a simple (test) query:
    select e from Entry e

    I'll try to grab some time to weed through the "real" mapping to see
    if I can figure out why validation fails on it, when it passes on the
    fresh project for the equivalent query.


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