2009/5/29 Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org>
> On May 29, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Juergen Saar wrote:
> The modeler says no dependent PK
>> In all cases (actual 3) where this problem exists, the relation-target is
>> a
>> kind of enumeration.
>> The relation points from nonPK-attribute to the PK (1 attribute) of the
>> enumeration-Table
> Can you mark the nonPK attribute as PK in Cayenne (even though it is not),
> and check corresponding "toDep PK" checkbox? I suspect this is where the
> problem lies.
Sorry ... no effect
Especially strange: In all 3 constellation that show this problem
> the Target-Table has less than 20 rows.
Very likely the size of the target table is pure coincidence. I can't think
> of any logic in Cayenne that would depend on the table size.
Yes, I know it sounds esotheric
but in the past we had several problems round about
the cayenne cache ... even if disabled
some behavior pointed to the cache
So I suggested there might be a logic in cayenne
that puts all little tables to cache on starting cayenne
> Andrus
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