Creating multiple datamaps on the fly

From: Lawrence Gerstley (
Date: Thu Jun 04 2009 - 03:38:44 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Creating multiple datamaps on the fly"


    I'm trying to create multiple DataMaps and attach them to my
    DataDomain on the fly in an application. The DataMap itself that I
    created with the modeler is fine, but I want to be able to create new
    ones on demand to point to a new table set in my db. So, my DataMap
    might consist of DbEntities whose prefixes all start with "lba1_". I
    can iterate through the map attached to the domain loaded up like so:
    for (DbEntity entity : currentMap.getDbEntities()) {
       if (entity.getName().indexOf("_") > 0) {
    instancePrefix + "_"));
    I'd like to clone the DataMap and then iterate through it with the
    code above, and then add that DataMap to the DataDomain. Is that



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