congratulations for this release.
I had just replaced M5 with M6 and got one compile error.
This worked under M5:
ResultIterator it = null;
try {
it = context.performIteratedQuery(sq);
while (it.hasNextRow()) {
Map row = it.nextDataRow();
I read the release notes and found
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-1147. While I think the
nextDataRow was not marked as deprecated in M5, is it safe to replace the
assignement to:
Map row = (Map) it.nextRow();
which compiles under M6?
2009/5/29 Aristedes Maniatis <amaniati..pache.org>
> Another release on the journey to Cayenne 3.0! This milestone adds a
> plethora of new features including quoting of identifiers (useful for db
> column names with spaces), nested contexts in ROP, and
> EJBQL/SQLTemplate/ProcedureQuery queries now support the full range of
> configuration options available to native SelectQueries. The Modeler
> received new features such schema analysis on startup (which can prompt the
> user to create or upgrade the database schema) and support for EJBQL.
> Naturally, lots of bug fixes have also made it into Cayenne in the last 5
> months since the previous milestone.
> The Cayenne team have also decided to not target JPA compliance for 3.0,
> and instead focus on further improvements to the range and flexibility of
> the native API. Although Cayenne may return to focus on JPA in the future,
> the work done already (such as lifecycle events, EJBQL, etc) has been very
> useful and will remain important parts of Cayenne for everyone to use.
> Cayenne's clean and powerful API is one of the main reasons users choose
> this library and focussing our efforts there is our primary goal.
> We hope you enjoy this latest release. There will probably be only one more
> release with new features before 3.0 is settled into beta testing, so we
> encourage everyone to try this latest milestone, and report back to us with
> any important missing functionality. We have several developers who track
> Cayenne trunk reasonably closely in production systems, so we are confident
> of the stability of this release. It is likely that there will be some API
> changes before the final 3.0 is released.
> Download: http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html
> Full release notes:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12313759&styleName=Text&projectId=12310903
> Ari Maniatis, on behalf of the Cayenne PMC
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