I am fairly certain this is a modeler bug, and I have some
recollection that I might have bumped into it previously.
Cayenne Version: 3.0M6
Modeler Platform: OSX (OSX version 10.5.7)
Actions taken: I deleted my .cayenne directory an re-entered my
When Executing the following from Modeler:
1. Tools - Generate Database Schema
the "Generate DB Schema: Connect to Database" dialog window is
displayed with the following defaults:
1. "DataNode Connection Info"
the User Name and Password can only be changed for one pass. The
changes do not persist.
This seems to be a problems only for the default "DataNode Connection
info and does not affect the "Local DataSources" stored via "Edit
Preferences" dialog window and selectable in the dialog drop-down list.
My recommendation is that the default datasource should be the last
datasource selected (and not an arbitrary default). This pattern
seems more intuitive.
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