Re: Cayenne logging

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jun 12 2009 - 02:12:53 EDT

  • Next message: Joe Baldwin: "Re: Cayenne logging"

    On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:05 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:

    > Question:
    > Is is possible that the Cayenne hard-coded defaults (which I read
    > about somewhere in your docs), are over-riding my

    Actually no. Cayenne (or your application code) would log something
    with a certain priority. A logging framework decides whether a given
    priority should be logged or ignored. I have very little experience
    with the new Tomcat "juli" logger. So another random thing to try:
    instead of OFF, can you try WARN (Cayenne logs everything with level
    INFO, so WARN should suppress the logging).


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