I am using Cayenne 2.0.4 with Derby embedded.
I am getting a ValidationException "id is required" when I commit
changes after creating a new object.
I have set the PK Generation Strategy to Database-Generated and set the
ID field as Auto Incremented in the modeler.
In my map file the id field looks like this:
...db-attribute name="ID" type="INTEGER" isPrimaryKey="true"
isGenerated="true" isMandatory="true" length="10"....
I have also tested whether Cayenne thinks the adapter supports generated
keys with the following code:
DataMap map = dataContext.getEntityResolver().getDataMap("MyMap");
DataNode node = dataContext.getParentDataDomain().lookupDataNode(map);
DbAdapter ad = node.getAdapter();
and this returns true.
If I uncheck "Object Validation" for the data domain in the modeler
everything works fine.
However I would rather not turn off object validation.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I might be missing?
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