Re: Two minor modeler feature requests

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Jun 23 2009 - 10:18:05 EDT

  • Next message: John Armstrong: "Re: Two minor modeler feature requests"

    I just checked the Modeler code and it is using Swing's JFileChooser
    instead of AWT's FileDialog. On OS X, the AWT FileDialog is the
    "proper" file dialog to use (it is the one Apple mapped to the native
    file dialog). We'd have to change the code to conditionally open
    JFileChooser/FileDialog depending on the platform. I've actually got
    some code that already does that (different project), so maybe it
    could be added. The FileDialog also remembers the size of the open
    window, the directory you were last in, etc. Just like you'd expect
    it to operate on a Mac.


    On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:08 AM, John Armstrong<> wrote:
    > Two items for the Modeler:
    > 1) Is there a reason it set to use a FileBrowser rather the the
    > FileDialog which is more powerful and 'user friendly' on Mac/Win?
    > 2) Whichever we use should default to the users homedir.
    > I can knock these changes out but before I did I wanted to see if
    > there was a specific reason they were not implemented in this manner.
    > I am still running M5 so it may be this way in later versions, my
    > apologies if this is the case.
    > I spend a lot of time clicking around that these two items would reduce ;)
    > Thanks!
    > John-

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