Re: Simple callback question

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Fri Jul 24 2009 - 00:11:36 EDT

  • Next message: sridhar devatha: "Re: Modification and deletion of data objects"

    On 24/07/09 1:15 PM, Dave Lamy wrote:
    > Should the preUpdate callback event get fired for both new and existing
    > objects?
    > The behavior I'm seeing (3.0M5) is that preUpdate is not getting called when
    > saving my new object, but does get called when saving an existing object.
    > prePersist is not the correct time for my event code to run.. I need to have
    > this run during the commit phase, not during the creation phase.
    > Please let me know if this is surprising or not. And if not, do I have any
    > choices to get the behavior I need?

    That's how it works unfortunately. These callbacks follow the JPA standard, but they certainly don't make the most sense. They are even less useful in ROP (three tier). You are going to have to work within the confines of what is available [1] for now but there has been some discussion of changing or adding new events.

    Ari Maniatis


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