3-tier, client synchronization, xmpp

From: Laszlo Sinka (laszlo.sink..umanvalueservices.hu)
Date: Tue Aug 04 2009 - 08:54:53 EDT

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    we try to run Cayenne(3.0m6) in 3-tier mode with client synchronization.

    We set up a configuration to use cross-vm caching through XMPP with a
    WildFire server (2.6.2).
    We have a simple object with a string attribute (ItemCategory, name).
    We have a tomcat5.5 deployed with the default HessianServlet (Hessian
    version: 3.1.6).

    when we deploy the server and running a basic jsp page with
        SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(ItemCategory.class);
        query.addOrdering(ItemCategory.NAME_PROPERTY, true);

        DataContext context = DataContext.createDataContext(true);
        List itemCategories = context.performQuery(query);
    the server throws an exception
    Caused by: org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.3.0M6 May 18 2009
    07:55:30] Error setting up a group chat: (400)
    (see attachment: cayennev3_xmpp_server.log).

    The wildfire admin console shows, that the server can login to the
    chatserver with a client id like:
    but doesn't enter into any chat room (we have set up room for
    cayenne.XMPPBridge.xmppChatService property's value
    and another for the client chatroom parameter for the HessianConnection)
    (the server allows to anybody to enter chatrooms or create new rooms)

    We are using Eclipse(3.5) the client and server are in the same project,
    using the same configuration files, classes, libraries, etc., running on
    same machine.

    What do we wrong? What else do we need?

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