If its a real issue I'd love to.
Since no one else has reported it I'll check it against M6 and then
give it a go.
Tx Mike,
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Mike Kienenberger<mkienen..mail.com> wrote:
> Maybe you could create a patch for it? I don't know how many others
> are actively using firebird.
> I would expect that fixing the Firebird adaptor, especially when you
> have the mysql adaptor as a reference, would be an entry-level
> contribution.
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 1:50 AM, John Armstrong<siberia..iberian.org> wrote:
>> I am attempting to use database generated IDs with Cayenne 3.0M5 and
>> Firebird. Even though isGenerated="true" on the proper column it still
>> queries the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table.
>> Even more problematic is that the SQL generated seems invalid:
>> === updated 1 row.
>> [bind: 1->ACTIVECLIENT:NULL, 2->CLIENTID:'CLTSun Aug 16 22:39:58 PDT
>> 200...', 3->CLIENTSETTINGS:200, 4->CLIENTVERSION:200, 5->COMPANY:260,
>> === updated 1 row.
>> Pay particular attention to argument 6 and 7. In the insert field list
>> it names 6 as 'ID' (which should not be there) but in the actual
>> insert it pushes 7 (LASTUPDATE) into 6 as the integer it got from
>> AUTO_PK_SUPPORT (200 in this case) and then sets LASTUPDATE to null.
>> I have not tried M6, I've had bad luck with the M6 modeler, so before
>> I wrestle with M6 and see if this is problem still exists has anyone
>> else seen it?
>> Note that this works fine with mysql.. It seems FBDriver specific.
>> John-
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