Re: Servlet Filters

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Aug 20 2009 - 10:40:09 EDT

  • Next message: xiaoxin xiaoxin: "Question: can Cayenne generate the DAO classes by modeler?"

    The main reason I looked at it is I was starting to write a lot of
    helper methods in the DataObject subclasses which would create their
    own DataContext and do a search and return a result. Of course, these
    live in their own DataContext and I didn't want to have localObject()
    calls to set relationships/etc, so I thought putting them in a shared
    DataContext would simplify that sharing process. The easiest thing
    for me might be to turn off the "Use Shared Cache" in CM. This will
    be a low-volume application, but it is important to always check the
    DB for fresh data in case the configuration changes.



    On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Andrus Adamchik<> wrote:
    > My current view of the WebApplicationContextFilter is that it is just an
    > example for users on how to bootstrap Cayenne, not *the* only way of doing
    > it. Maybe we need to reflect that in the docs.
    > Modern JEE environment is rather diverse as far as configuration approaches,
    > and this is multiplied by the number of Cayenne context creation strategies.
    > Some apps would use Spring, some Guice, or web.xml, yet some would want
    > sessions scoped contexts vs. request or other scope. So my recommendation is
    > to use WebApplicationContextFilter as an template to write your own
    > filter/service/whatever, as appropriate.
    > Andrus
    > On Aug 20, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> I'm starting to use the servlet filter setup
    >> ( and got it
    >> working, but I'm wondering if there is a way to customize the DC
    >> creation that I'm missing.
    >> The WebApplicationContextFilter class calls
    >> ServletUtil.getSessionContext(session).
    >> ServletUtil.getSessionContext() checks for an existing DC with:
    >>            if (ctxt == null) {
    >>               ctxt = DataContext.createDataContext();
    >> Prior to switching to the servlet filter, I was creating my DC using
    >> DataContext.createDataContext(false) because I was having caching
    >> issues with not getting the freshest data from the DB.  Is there an
    >> easy way to get the DC's created with the false parameter as the
    >> default?  (Without having a custom build of Cayenne.)
    >> Thanks,
    >> mrg

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