many-to-many relationship does not work in Cayenne.

From: Nishant Neeraj (
Date: Sat Aug 22 2009 - 17:41:26 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: many-to-many relationship does not work in Cayenne."


    I have been trying to get a demo with Cayenne. Looks like Cayenne does not like the schema the DAOs created are a mess. They have texts like $importUtils.addType(${rel.TargetEntity.ClientClassName}) where you expect a method paramter.

    I was creating the following relation-ship for a magzine-subscriber management.

    (category) -|----(one to many)----<  (magazines)
    (magazines) -|----(one to many)----<  (magazine_issues)
    (magazine_issues) >----(many to one)----|-  (subscribers)

    basically, magazine_issues stores the information that which magazine is assigned to which subscriber. so, everytime a order for a magazine comes there is a row created in magazine_issues table.

    The relationship that I have added in modeler is

    category to magazine To Dep PK (checked), to many (checked)

    magazine to category To Dep PK (un-checked), to many (un-checked)
    magazine to magazine_issues To Dep PK (checked), to many (checked)

    magazine_issue to magazine To Dep PK (un-checked), to many (un-checked)
    magazine_issues to subscribers To Dep PK (un-checked), to many (un-checked)

    subscribers to magazine_issues To Dep PK (checked), to many (checked)


    with these setting now when I try to create DAOs I get lot of placeholder sort of code like $importUtils.addType(${rel.TargetEntity.ClientClassName})

    Can anyone explain me what I am doing wrong here?

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