Simple Select Query

From: Null kühl (
Date: Tue Aug 25 2009 - 03:29:25 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Simple Select Query"

    I would like to do have a list of of a certain column in a certain table, by
    sql language that means something like

    SELECT name FROM `client` c;

    it's my first time to use cayenne and i searched a lot in it's manual for
    doing such a query and the only way that was kind of close is writing the
    query manual , and i believe that this is not the best way to do it.

    so i was asking about a simple and easy way to do that.

    also the return of such a query will be a list of clients as List <clients>
    c; , or since am querying for a certain field it can be something like List
    <String> names;

    Please Advice.

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