JNDI Anomaly

From: Michael Gentry (mgentr..asslight.net)
Date: Wed Sep 09 2009 - 10:29:02 EDT

  • Next message: gilbertoca: "Re: cayenne.xml not found"

    This is the first time I'm trying to use JNDI with Cayenne (also with
    T5 and Eclipse). I followed the steps on:


    for using Cayenne with the user preference DB to simulate a JNDI for
    development purposes. Since I'm using Maven, I added the Modeler jars
    to the POM, which worked fine. Now when I run the application I get a
    new generic Java application icon in my dock that stays there until I
    shutdown the web application. It doesn't seem hurt anything, but is a
    little strange. Something about adding the Modeler jar to the project
    and then running causes an application icon to appear in the dock that
    didn't before. Has anyone else seen this?



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