Hi Nishant,
First off, unless your Subscription Type is rather dynamic, you might
want to consider using an enum for it (especially if you are using
Next, it sounds like what you are wanting is a list of magazines for a
given user. Instead of starting at the user, you could start at the
magazines and put the sort order on it. You essentially want to:
fetch magazines where subscriptions.readers.rname = your_reader order
by mname.
In Cayenne, it would be more like (and I'm guessing at your
relationship/attribute names):
Expression exp = Expression.fromString("subscriptions.readers.rname = $reader");
Map param = new HashMap(1);
param.put("reader", "reader's name");
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Magazine.class,
Ordering order = new Ordering(Magazine.MNAME_PROPERTY, true);
List<Magazine> magazines = dataContext.performQuery(query);
On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Nishant Neeraj <nneeraj12..ahoo.com> wrote:
> I am having problem in sorting and paginating many to many relationship objects.
> Here is the DB relationship model. http://i30.tinypic.com/jaz4wm.jpgI want to do Readers.getMagzines() that returns paginated resultset of page size, N.
> I write a Readers.getMagzine() Method that pulls out List of subscriptions. In the method, I iterate through the list and inflating Magzines (subscriptions.getMagzines()) and injecting SubscriptionType to magzine object. And then I return the list. This works fine.
> Now, I do not want to pull out the full list. Rather, I want do it page by page sort by say, MagzineName with page Size N. Not sure how to do it. Can some one give a hint?
> ThanksNishant
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