Re: Using Cayenne Servlet Filter can bring the web application down

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Sep 15 2009 - 13:41:01 EDT

  • Next message: Nishant Neeraj: "Re: Sorting and Pagination in Many-to-Many relationship"

    I haven't gotten to looping over things in forms yet and was expecting
    that might be a stumbling point. I haven't tried incorporating your
    tapestry5-cayenne project into my application yet. I'm basically
    tackling one problem/task at a time, but it is nice to know I
    shouldn't hit a real roadblock this time.



    On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Robert Zeigler
    <> wrote:
    > There are still potential pitfalls there in T5.  If your objects are in
    > forms, and looped through, by default, they will be serialized into the form
    > and when "reconstituted", they will not be attached to a context.  As of
    > T5.1, loop, grid, etc. will use ValueEncoder to do this job (or
    > PrimaryKeyEncoder, but that's deprecated in 5.1).  The nice thing about T5
    > is that you can contribute ValueEncoders for object types that will be used
    > throughout the app, so you're not having to constantly specify things.  The
    > t5-cayenne integration library provides an implementation.  By default, it
    > stashes the object type and pk into the stored string, but it also calls out
    > to an encryption service (default implementation just returns the string
    > passed to it; you can use ServiceOverrides to contribute your own version)
    > so you have the option of encrypting the stored strings according to
    > whatever mechanism suites your needs, thereby avoiding storing raw pks into
    > urls & form data.  All in all, the T5/cayenne experience is much better than
    > the T3/cayenne experience; can't say much about T4/cayenne since I skipped
    > from T3 to T5, but I suspect that, on the whole, it was similar to
    > T3/cayenne.
    > Cheers,
    > Robert
    > On Sep 15, 2009, at 9/158:23 AM , Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> Nice.  Did you have any integration issues?  I'm just starting to use
    >> Cayenne with T5 and it has been surprisingly smooth thus far, but I
    >> still have lingering memories of the hoops I had to jump through with
    >> T4 (especially looping over data objects) serializing my objects.
    >> Thanks,
    >> mrg
    >> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Borut Bolčina <>
    >> wrote:
    >>> Yes, we successfully deployed a T5 application (openid server (70K users
    >>> and
    >>> rising) and much more) and yes it uses Cayenne 3M6. :-)
    >>> I am again gaining momentum to continue writing.
    >>> Cheers,
    >>> Borut
    >>> 2009/9/14 Michael Gentry <>
    >>>> Hi Borut,
    >>>> I'm just curious if you are still using Tapestry 5 (and if using
    >>>> Cayenne with T5)?  I also liked your blog where you were writing about
    >>>> T5.  I found that useful when I was just starting to read about T5 and
    >>>> get started in it (I'm still learning, of course -- no expert here).
    >>>> mrg
    >>>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Borut Bolčina <>
    >>>> wrote:
    >>>>> Hello,
    >>>>> I think web developers should be given an advice at
    >>>>> that if using
    >>>> Cayenne
    >>>>> Servlet Filter the web application can be brought to a halt if a
    >>>> malicious
    >>>>> user sends lots of  cookie-less requests (every request bounds data
    >>>> context
    >>>>> to a new session). We were testing our app with JMeter and found out we
    >>>> can
    >>>>> not afford to use filter approach.
    >>>>> It would be of most value if some debates from the mailing list about
    >>>>> how
    >>>> to
    >>>>> use DataContext based on different web application needs would be at
    >>>>> the
    >>>>> What I have
    >>>>> in
    >>>>> mind is a tiny cookbook, just two or three recipes, on why it is good
    >>>>> to
    >>>>> gave one data context shared for all users, some data context created
    >>>>> for
    >>>>> each request, some saved in the session, when not to put dc in the
    >>>> session
    >>>>> etc.
    >>>>> Should I open an issue in the JIRA?
    >>>>> Cheers,
    >>>>> Borut

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