Re: Memory Management using Tomcat

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Fri Sep 18 2009 - 00:47:07 EDT

  • Next message: Jamie: "Re: Relationships Not Propagated"

    On 18/09/09 2:10 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
    > So how do I create a shared context? Is this going to be associated with
    > an Application scoped singleton? Also how do I create the smaller
    > contexts and make sure they are GC'd after the session is terminated?

    Sorry I can't help with this one since our Cayenne application is actually a Swing client/server application and not a J2EE style web application you are creating. But I'm sure someone will have a recipie for you and to help others I'd like to encourage you to document your experiences on our wiki once you have it working nicely.



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