Query Cache and DataDomain Snap Shot Cache

From: Malcolm Edgar (malcolm.edga..mail.com)
Date: Wed Sep 23 2009 - 09:34:25 EDT

  • Next message: Andreas Hartmann: "Re: Obtain relationship target objects of a DataObject"

    Hi All,
    I am looking to improve the performance of a set of web applications
    running. We have one application which is used mainly for
    adminsitration/configuration and a number of public facing web applications
    which can have a high load.

    I have been experimenting with OSCache but the problem I see is that the
    query cache and the object cache are not unified, so I sometimes have
    situations where the objects from the caches are not consistent. While the
    query cache can timeout, the object cache doesn't, so if another web
    application makes an update the object cache in this application is not

    I presume the answer to this problem is using JGroups, if so does anyone
    have a configuration where its constrained to localhost. I don't really want
    to be broadcasting notification messages across the network.

    regards Malcolm Edgar

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