Re: complex query vs performIteratedQuery vs Prefetching

From: Hans Pikkemaat (
Date: Tue Nov 10 2009 - 09:10:48 EST

  • Next message: Hans Pikkemaat: "Re: complex query vs performIteratedQuery vs Prefetching"


    Thanks for your quick response!

    I kind of expected that prefetches and iterated queries would not work,
    thats the reason for this post :)

    I tried the page size on a non iterated query but then I get a weird
    exception that I don't

    Exception in thread "main" org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException:
    [v.2.0.4 October 12 2007] Some ObjectIds are missing from the database.
    Expected 10, fetched
    version=-9223372036854775795, replaces=-9223372036854775808],
    version=-9223372036854775791, replaces=-9223372036854775808]

    I cannot forget about data objects because I don't want to query the
    detail records separately because of
    bad performance (too many single queries).



    Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > Maybe I'm missing something, but i doubt prefetches are implemented
    > for iterated queries. I would try keeping only setPageSize(1000). It
    > will do all prefetches and result in same memory payload, because all
    > datarows in your example are turned into data objects, so they will
    > all be cached in memory. Smart using query caching would do the trick.
    > Otherwise, I suggest you forget about data objects in this function of
    > yours and use only datarows
    > 2009/11/10 Hans Pikkemaat <
    > <>>
    > Hi,
    > I'll give you some insight in what I tried.
    > DataContext dataContext = this.createDataContext();
    > String sql = "select ... from table1 join table 2 ...";
    > SQLTemplate query = new SQLTemplate(Table1Object.class, sql);
    > query.addPrefetch(table2.RELATION_PROPERTY).setSemantics(PrefetchTreeNode.JOINT_PREFETCH_SEMANTICS);
    > query.setPageSize(1000);
    > ResultIterator iterator =
    > dataContext.performIteratedQuery(query);
    > while (iterator.hasNextRow()) {
    > DataRow dataRow = (DataRow) iterator.nextDataRow();
    > Table1Object table1 = (Table1Object)
    > dataContext.objectFromDataRow(Table1Object.class, dataRow, false);
    > List<Table2Object> list = table1.getTable2Objects();
    > for (Table2Object t2o:list) {
    > System.out.println(t2o.getName());
    > }
    > }
    > When the for loop starts and gets the iterator from the list, then
    > a separate query is executed, indicating
    > that the prefetching didn't work.
    > tx
    > Hans
    > Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I think the best in your case would be using disjoint prefetching;
    >> This way both table data will be returned altogether (in same db row), so
    >> you will be able to iterate though them at the same time.
    >> I also highly encourage you to try today-released Cayenne3.0 beta. It proved
    >> to be stable and many prefetching (ant other!) improvements were made. Check
    >> the main site!
    >> 2009/11/10 Hans Pikkemaat <> <>
    >>> Hi,
    >>> My case:
    >>> I have a complex query which returns a huge amount of data. It returns data
    >>> from
    >>> two tables which are joined.
    >>> Because the amount of data is huge I cannot load all of it into memory.
    >>> For this reason I want to use an iterated query.
    >>> I also want to prevent cayenne from executing a query for each detail
    >>> record
    >>> so I want to use prefetching.
    >>> What I tried:
    >>> - I'm using cayenne 2.0.4.
    >>> - I use SQLTemplate to instantiate the query.
    >>> - I set the page size to 1000 to prevent loading the whole db (required
    >>> for postgres)
    >>> - I use performIteratedQuery to run the query.
    >>> - As I get DataRows back from the iterated query I use
    >>> dataContext.objectFromDataRow(..) to create my objects
    >>> The Problem:
    >>> The relation is not automatically setup. This means that for every record
    >>> I access the detail table a query is executed.
    >>> My Questions:
    >>> - How should I use prefetching in combination with SQLTemplate and an
    >>> iterated query which returns DataRows?
    >>> - Is there a way to manually setup this relationship (without changing
    >>> the state of the parent object?)
    >>> - Is there another way to do what I want using Cayenne?
    > --
    > TSi Solutions
    > Neptunusstraat 25
    > 7521 WC Enschede
    > Tel. +31 (0)88 - 25 00 000
    > Fax. +31 (0)88 - 25 00 122
    > Hans Pikkemaat
    > Java Developer (Services Team)
    > E-mail:
    > <>
    > <>
    > <>
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    > --
    > Andrey

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