Re: complex query vs performIteratedQuery vs Prefetching

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Wed Nov 11 2009 - 09:02:16 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: complex query vs performIteratedQuery vs Prefetching"

    Could you try iterating through list using counter variable (e.g. for (int i
    = 0; i < list.size(); i++)) to see if it works?

    2009/11/11 Hans Pikkemaat <>

    > Hi,
    > This is the 'working' part
    > System.out.println("Running with fetchlimit: " + pageSize);
    > final DataContext dataContext = this.createDataContext();
    > SQLTemplate query = new SQLTemplate(VersionedObjectImpl.class, sql);
    > query.addPrefetch(_VersionedObjectImpl.ATTRIBUTES_PROPERTY);
    > if (pageSize > 0) {
    > query.setPageSize(pageSize);
    > }
    > List<VersionedObjectImpl> list = dataContext.performQuery(query);
    > for (Iterator<VersionedObjectImpl> iterator = list.iterator();
    > iterator.hasNext();) {
    > }
    > VersionedObjectImpl.class is the main table and the
    > VersionedobjectImpl.ATTRIBUTES_PROPERTY
    > is the relation name for the detail table.
    > The sql provided is (my own made simple 'try out' query, the actual query
    > is WAY more complex)
    > select o.object_id as "OBJECT_ID", o.ancestor_path
    > as "ANCESTOR_PATH", o.object_type as "OBJECT_TYPE",
    > o.object_identifier as "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER",
    > o.created_revision_id as "CREATED_REVISION_ID",
    > o.deleted_revision_id as "DELETED_REVISION_ID", a.attribute_id
    > as "attributes.ATTRIBUTE_ID", as
    > "attributes.NAME", a.type_name as "attributes.TYPE_NAME",
    > a.string_value as "attributes.STRING_VALUE", a.integer_value
    > as "attributes.INTEGER_VALUE", a.date_value as
    > "attributes.DATE_VALUE" from rev_object o left join rev_attribute a
    > on a.object_id=o.object_id
    > If I run this without page size no problem.
    > With page size set eg to 100 I get
    > Exception in thread "main" org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException:
    > [v.3.0B1 Nov 09 2009 09:53:47] Some ObjectIds are missing from the database.
    > Expected 100, fetched 85
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList.checkPageResultConsistency(
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList.resolveInterval(
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList.get(
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList$
    > at
    > com.traserv.incrementalsupply.integration.demo.CayenneDemo.doit1a(
    > at
    > com.traserv.incrementalsupply.integration.demo.CayenneDemo.main(
    > tx
    > Hans
    > Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> You may have done that already in the previous messages, but could you
    >> give a snip of your SQLTemplate creation code here (just to make sure I
    >> understand all the settings used in this specific case). And also if
    >> possible, SQL generated in the console for the initial query, and then for
    >> the failing page query?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Andrus
    >> On Nov 11, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Hans Pikkemaat wrote:
    >>> Hi,
    >>> I tried 3.0b but without effect.
    >>> If I use an SQLTemplate in combination with setPageSize I also get the
    >>> exception mentioned earlier:
    >>> Exception in thread "main" org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException:
    >>> [v.3.0B1 Nov 09 2009 09:53:47] Some ObjectIds are missing from the
    >>> database. Expected 100, fetched 85
    >>> at org .apache .cayenne .access .IncrementalFaultList
    >>> .checkPageResultConsistency(
    >>> at org .apache .cayenne .access
    >>> .IncrementalFaultList.resolveInterval(
    >>> at org .apache
    >>> .cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList.get( 550)
    >>> at org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList
    >>> $
    >>> at com .traserv .incrementalsupply
    >>> .integration.demo.CayenneDemo.doit1(
    >>> at com .traserv .incrementalsupply
    >>> .integration.demo.CayenneDemo.main(
    >>> If I use a SelectQuery it works oke. But this is not an option for me
    >>> because I cannot construct
    >>> my query using SelectQuery because of its complexity.
    >>> Any ideas?
    >>> tx
    >>> Hans


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