Re: Temporary ID hasn't been replaced on commit

From: Juergen Saar (
Date: Wed Nov 25 2009 - 03:32:21 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Temporary ID hasn't been replaced on commit"

    I'm using Version 2.0.4 ...

    2009/11/25 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > Don't yet know what might be causing it, but what version of Cayenne are
    > you using?
    > Andrus
    > On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Juergen Saar wrote:
    > Hi,
    >> we're using cayenne for the web-interface of a 20 year old project with
    >> meaningful keys. We don't use tapestry. The keys are handled in the
    >> validateForSave().
    >> In some cases after commit there is an Exception: "Temporary ID hasn't
    >> been
    >> replaced on commit"
    >> The values of the Dataobject are OK and the Informations put to database
    >> are
    >> correct.
    >> In the Objects that cause this Exception I can't see any difference to
    >> Objects that don't cause this Execption.
    >> Is there anything I can do to force the replacement if the Temp ID or to
    >> prevent this Exception?
    >> Caching in cayenne is disabled, because there are many other applications
    >> also manipulating data in database.
    >> Any hint would help ...
    >> -Juergen-

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