Selecting with an offset / paging

From: Ilya Lazarev (
Date: Fri Dec 04 2009 - 11:41:52 EST

  • Next message: Ilya Lazarev: "Re: Selecting with an offset / paging"


    I have a webapp that accesses an Oralce DB to retrieve records and do paging
    over the entire resultset (an expression is used that spans multiple
    tables). Recently when the number of results in total adds up to over 30000,
    the performance of the select query has dropped to unusable levels (30+
    seconds per query). The webapp never returns all 30000 rows so it's OK for
    the time being, but it certainly needs to be addressed.I wanted to do a
    select with a *"where rownum > a and rownum < b" *type query, but so far
    have not seen a way to do that. Does anyone have any tips how to do this? My
    other option is to rewrite the retrieval using SQLTemplate and calculate the
    dynamic sql based on parameters by hand, correct? Will the resultset contain
    objects with their relationships that way (ie.
    ((TableA)result.get(0)).getToTableB() ?) or flat data rows?


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