Hi Ilya,
Are you at least using a paginated query instead of a regular query?
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Ilya Lazarev <glaref..mail.com> wrote:
> using 1.2, forgot to mention
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Ilya Lazarev <glaref..mail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a webapp that accesses an Oralce DB to retrieve records and do
>> paging over the entire resultset (an expression is used that spans multiple
>> tables). Recently when the number of results in total adds up to over 30000,
>> the performance of the select query has dropped to unusable levels (30+
>> seconds per query). The webapp never returns all 30000 rows so it's OK for
>> the time being, but it certainly needs to be addressed.I wanted to do a
>> select with a *"where rownum > a and rownum < b" *type query, but so far
>> have not seen a way to do that. Does anyone have any tips how to do this? My
>> other option is to rewrite the retrieval using SQLTemplate and calculate the
>> dynamic sql based on parameters by hand, correct? Will the resultset contain
>> objects with their relationships that way (ie.
>> ((TableA)result.get(0)).getToTableB() ?) or flat data rows?
>> Thanks!
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