Re: out of memory using ResultIterator

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Dec 24 2009 - 04:36:13 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: out of memory using ResultIterator"

    ROP's became better, e.g. it now supports nesting of contexts same way as
    DataContexts do

    2009/12/24 Emanuele Maiarelli <>

    > I'll give a try once the project will me stable on the 2.0.4. This
    > project uses ROP with a swing rich application, plus some webservices for
    > batchjobs, are ROP still working good on 3.0
    > as they works on 2.0.4?
    > Andrus Adamchik ha scritto:
    > Sure. Hopefully within a couple of weeks 3.0 becomes Release Candidate and
    >> final after that, so you may give it another look.
    >> For now I guess the only way is to write a custom query extending
    >> SQLTemplate and overriding 'createSQLAction' to call 'setFetchSize' on the
    >> JDBC statement. Implementing a custom SQLAction can be pretty involved,
    >> however if you are doing a one-off thing, it is doable.
    >> Also I would recommend to switch to Cayenne 3.0 at least temporarily to
    >> confirm that the fix I described is indeed working for you. There may be
    >> some other things at play here. Who knows.
    >> Andrus
    >> On Dec 24, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Emanuele Maiarelli wrote:
    >>> I'm trying to figureout a solution using 2.0.4.
    >>> I don't feel confortable in switching to 3.0 at this stage of the
    >>> project.
    >>> Thank you,
    >>> Emanuele
    >>> Andrus Adamchik ha scritto:
    >>>> This is likely an issue with MySQL driver caching returned data. The
    >>>> solution was implemented in Cayenne 3.0 (which is now in beta):
    >>>> query.setStatementFetchSize(1000);
    >>>> This propagates the fetch size setting to the JDBC statement, reducing
    >>>> the driver memory footprint.
    >>>> Andrus
    >>>> On Dec 24, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Emanuele Maiarelli wrote:
    >>>> im using cayenne 2.0.4, and i need to fetch an huge ammout of data, i
    >>>>> did that way:
    >>>>> public static StringBuffer traceProts;
    >>>>> static {
    >>>>> traceProts = new StringBuffer();
    >>>>> traceProts.append("SELECT ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append("PROTOCOLLI.* ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append("FROM PROTOCOLLI, ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append("( ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" SELECT ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" FORM_PROT_FK ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" FROM ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" ( ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" SELECT ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" FORM_PROT_FK,SUM(IF(ME_PK is not
    >>>>> null,1,0)) AS ESPORTAZIONI ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" FROM FORMULARI ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" LEFT JOIN MOV_EXPORTED ON
    >>>>> (FORM_PK=ME_FORMULARI_FK) ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" GROUP BY FORM_PROT_FK ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" ) ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" EXPS ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(" WHERE ESPORTAZIONI=0 ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append(") ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append("UNEXP ");
    >>>>> traceProts.append("where PROT_PK=UNEXP.FORM_PROT_FK");
    >>>>> }
    >>>>> this query returns an huge ammont of row,
    >>>>> and im fetching row using IteratedQuery, that's the code im using
    >>>>> StringBuffer mq=new StringBuffer();
    >>>>> Vector<EXPProtocolli> toRet=new Vector<EXPProtocolli>();
    >>>>> mq.append(traceProts);
    >>>>> mq.append(" AND PROT_CHIUSO=true AND PROT_RIPARTITO=true");
    >>>>> SQLTemplate rawSelect = new SQLTemplate(Protocolli.class,
    >>>>> mq.toString());
    >>>>> ResultIterator v=ctx.performIteratedQuery(rawSelect);
    >>>>> while (v.hasNextRow())
    >>>>> {
    >>>>> EXPProtocolli prt=new EXPProtocolli();
    >>>>> DataRow dataRow = (DataRow) v.nextDataRow();
    >>>>> Protocolli p=(Protocolli)
    >>>>> ctx.objectFromDataRow(Protocolli.class, dataRow,false);
    >>>>> this.bindEXPProtMsg(p,prt);
    >>>>> prt.setStato(ProtStato.PROT_CARICO_ESPORTABILE);
    >>>>> toRet.add(prt);
    >>>>> }
    >>>>> return toRet;
    >>>>> when running this method i always get an heap space problem
    >>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.nextRowFast(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.nextRow(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readSingleRowSet(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.getResultSet(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readResultsForQueryOrUpdate(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readAllResults(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
    >>>>> at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.jdbc.SQLTemplateAction.execute(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.jdbc.SQLTemplateAction.performAction(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNodeQueryAction.runQuery(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode.performQueries(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainLegacyQueryAction.execute(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomain$1.transform(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomain.runInTransaction(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomain.performQueries(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.internalPerformIteratedQuery(
    >>>>> at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performIteratedQuery(
    >>>>> at services.EXP.Factory.getProtocolliCaricoNonEsp(
    >>>>> at services.EXP.EXPServicePBE.getData(
    >>>>> at services.EXPExporter.processRequest(
    >>>>> ....
    >>>>> the error is generated by: ResultIterator
    >>>>> v=ctx.performIteratedQuery(rawSelect);
    >>>>> any hints?


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