notification of query

From: Hans Pikkemaat (
Date: Tue Dec 29 2009 - 03:03:51 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: notification of query"


    I'm doing some performance tests and want to see when the query is
    actually run.
    I'm running some test queries with different cache settings to see what
    performance and memory wise. For this reason I need to know when an actual
    sql statement is being executed at the database. So my question is:

    Is there a way (2.0.4) to get a notification or callback when a query
    (or more generic: sql statement) is executed?

    I'm already using the log4j so I do see when the query runs but I need a
    callback to be
    able to store statistics about a query execution. Preferably including
    result counts and execution timing.

    I saw the explanation about the DataContextDelegate but this one is
    called even when a query is in the cache.



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