Configuration files

From: Marek Šab (
Date: Thu Dec 31 2009 - 06:39:31 EST

  • Next message: Marek Šab: "Registering existing dataObjects"

    Hi everyone,

    I started using cayenne yesterday and got it up and running in my webapp
    alongside wicket. I have question about configuration files: can i put
    them somewhere else besides the source root (for wicket it is
    src/main/java) and then define that location somewhere - e.g. filter
    configuration in web.xml?
    Point is I would very much like to have it under src/main/resources
    (e.g. like hibernate does) but then I think it probably won't be able to
    traceroute the location of mapping classes from package name.

    TIA, regards

    Marek Šabo
    Chief Server Manager
    Club SU CVUT Buben
    Bubenečská Kolej
    Terronská 28, Prague 16000

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