Re: Using MySQL Encryption Function to Store Password

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Sat Jan 23 2010 - 21:37:49 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Using MySQL Encryption Function to Store Password"


    I had this very same question some time ago, and the overwhelming opinion was to use the Java encryption over a DBMS-specific solution. I am using the javax.crypto package. I handle the encryption with a wrapper class and simply store the resulting string in the database using standard Cayenne.

    I now agree with all of those people who suggested that I go with the standard Java encryption vs MySQL.

    Hope this helps,

    On Jan 23, 2010, at 3:34 PM, Nishant Neeraj wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Is there a way in Cayenne to use MySQL's encryption functions to store encrypt and store password?
    > Thanks
    > -Nishant
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