Cayenne code generation - pointers requested

From: John Armstrong (
Date: Thu Jan 28 2010 - 02:50:02 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Using an Escaped LIKE Clause"

    I'm finding myself generating a lot of Beans that mirror my cayenne
    entities (plus Dozer mappings) as I delve into GWT.

    This is crying out for automation and I'm sure a few others would
    enjoy it. It may even make Cayenne very GWT Friendly.

    To move this ball forward (for me minimally) can anyone point me to
    either some sort of sample implementation of Cayenne velocity template
    based code generation (or whatever is being used in 3.0) or a pointer
    to where in the source code a sample template/generator lives that I
    can explore?

    Tx. My fingers are getting sore-

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