I'm using GXT which has a pretty strong preference for its own
'BeanModel' (thin wrapper around a javabean that understands GXT) for
grid population etc.
That (in my mind) means I am either serializing Cayenne Models -> JSON
-> BeanModels or just going from Cayenne Model -> BeanModel so I
decided to skip the JSON step.
Outside of easy GXT integration the only other thing I get are
enumerations (supposedly) which I use in a few important places in my
Does that make sense? I haven't done much straight GWT which is much
different then GXT so the interactions may be different.
I am very interested in what you are doing, finding someone using GWT
and Cayenne is not so common!
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Andrey Razumovsky
<razumovsky.andre..mail.com> wrote:
> I'm currently using Cayenne and GWT. I think the question should be if it is
> worth it to convert server beans to client beans. Do you really need data
> objects on client side? With a lack of reflection they cannot be easily used
> in UI. I think this only produces unneeded convertion.
> What I do is convert CDOs to JSON on server side, this is done with
> XML-based descriptions (which look much like json-taglib, but are
> standalone) and use only JSON-based data on client side.
> What do you think?
> 2010/1/28 John Armstrong <siberia..iberian.org>
>> I'm finding myself generating a lot of Beans that mirror my cayenne
>> entities (plus Dozer mappings) as I delve into GWT.
>> This is crying out for automation and I'm sure a few others would
>> enjoy it. It may even make Cayenne very GWT Friendly.
>> To move this ball forward (for me minimally) can anyone point me to
>> either some sort of sample implementation of Cayenne velocity template
>> based code generation (or whatever is being used in 3.0) or a pointer
>> to where in the source code a sample template/generator lives that I
>> can explore?
>> Tx. My fingers are getting sore-
>> John-
> --
> Andrey
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