Hi Šabo,
I don't have a pure Cayenne answer, but in case you can add an extra field to your table, then you can write a simple program to convert your IP addresses to numbers and save the numbers to the newly added field. Here is a simple Java method I am using to convert IPV4s to a long:
public static long ipAddressToLong(String ipAddress) {
String[] ipAddressArray = ipAddress.split("\\.");
long num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ipAddressArray.length; i++) {
int power = 3 - i;
num += ((Integer.parseInt(ipAddressArray[i]) % 256 * Math.pow(256, power)));
return num;
After this simple data transformation it will be very easy to sort your table.
I hope it helps.
On 02-Feb-10, at 19:45 , Marek Šabo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to ask you two questions:
> 1) Is there any way to sort varchar fields which happen to numbers, more
> precisely ipv4s?
> query.addOrdering(Ip4Address.IP_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, SortOrder.ASCENDING);
> This of course sets the hundreds as first in line, any tips on some
> custom sorting?
> 2) I was filling ip table with available ranges like this:
> ObjectContext oc = DataContext.getThreadObjectContext();
> for (int i = 33; i < 255; i++) {
> Ip4Address ip = oc.newObject(Ip4Address.class);
> ip.setIpAddress("XX.XX.XX." + i);
> ip.setUsed(Boolean.FALSE);
> ip.setNat(Boolean.FALSE);
> }
> but cayenne inserted rows like this (probably hashed order for
> optimization):
> INFO - QueryLogger - [bind: 1->ipAddress:'XX.XX.XX.97', 2->nat:'false', 3->used:'false']
> INFO - QueryLogger - Generated PK: Ip4Address.id = 1
> INFO - QueryLogger - === updated 1 row.
> INFO - QueryLogger - [bind: 1->ipAddress:'XX.XX.XX.71', 2->nat:'false', 3->used:'false']
> INFO - QueryLogger - Generated PK: Ip4Address.id = 2
> INFO - QueryLogger - === updated 1 row.
> Is there any way how to override this mechanism in order to preserve
> order of inserted rows?
> TIA,
> --
> Marek Šabo
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