Using Postgresql's table inheritance or other advanced DDL

From: Eric Lazarus (
Date: Tue Feb 09 2010 - 09:03:54 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Using Postgresql's table inheritance or other advanced DDL"

    We are building a complex object model where there are a bunch of types and sub types and we are considering using Postgresql's table inheritance (see: )

    If I just map things naively, I assume that I would get unrelated objects, not object inheritance that match the table inheritance. How do I get around that?
    So, for example, I do a query on the base table and find some objects that are of a more specific type. How do I arrange to have my Java code get an instance of the more specific class?
    Is it practical to create something as in instance of the base type and later have it become something of a more specific type when the system learns more about the object? If so, how do I do this sort of thing?


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