Are you launching those methods sequentally? Another question, are you sure
positions.get(2) and proDetails are same objects? Do they have same
persistence state? Try to figure that out printing
System.out.println(proDetails) - it will show objectId and persistence
Also check if there are DELETE statements generated for the object on line
2010/2/14 Nishant Neeraj <>
> Hi,
> I have a problem in deletion. When I try to fetch a list and delete a data
> from the list (and commitChanges) in separate methods it does not work,
> while the DataContext used is the same. There is no query-log or exception
> for the case when not deleted.
> See the code below. Line 4 and 27 prints same HashCode. Line 18 deletes the
> code successfully, while line 28 does not. Given that proDetails at line 24
> is same as positions.get(2) of line 18.
> [code]
> 00000001 public List<ProfessionalDetails> getPositions(Users user){
> 00000002
> 00000003 DataContext dc = getDataContext();
> 00000004 System.out.println("Data Context 1 >> " + dc.hashCode());
> 00000005
> 00000006 List<ProfessionalDetails> positions = null;
> 00000007 Expression exp = Expression.fromString("user = $user and
> proDetailType = $proType");
> 00000008 HashMap hm = new HashMap();
> 00000009 hm.put("user", user);
> 00000010 hm.put("proType",
> ProfessionalDetails.PRO_DETAIL_TYPE_POSITION);
> 00000011 SelectQuery query = new
> SelectQuery(ProfessionalDetails.class, exp.expWithParameters(hm));
> 00000012 positions = dc.performQuery(query);
> 00000013 List<Ordering> orderings = new ArrayList<Ordering>();
> 00000014 orderings.add(new
> Ordering("toDate",SortOrder.DESCENDING));
> 00000015 orderings.add(new Ordering("fromDate",
> SortOrder.DESCENDING));
> 00000016 Ordering.orderList(positions, orderings);
> 00000017 dc.commitChanges();
> 00000018 //dc.deleteObject(positions.get(2));
> 00000019 dc.commitChanges();
> 00000020
> 00000021 return positions;
> 00000022 }
> 00000023
> 00000024 public void delete(ProfessionalDetails proDetails) {
> 00000025
> 00000026 DataContext dc = getDataContext();
> 00000027 System.out.println("Data Context 2 >> " + dc.hashCode());
> 00000028 dc.deleteObject(proDetails);
> 00000029 dc.commitChanges();
> 00000030 }
> [/code]
> Thanks
> Nishant
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