Sharing DataObject Jar among web contexts

From: Tobias Schoessler (
Date: Mon Mar 15 2010 - 09:45:26 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Cayenne 3.0 GA/Final release"


    I have many web apps sharing the same cayenne/mapping objects. I want to
    share my cayenne classes among these web apps. I have packaged the classes
    successfully in a jar together with the cayenne.xml using a jndi data source
    and the Map xml file. I have put this jar in the shared lib level of tomcat.

    Now every web app deployed can use the mapping files without any cayenne
    reference in its local WEB-INF lib. Super!

    I can obviously even use

    DataContext dataContext = ServletUtil.getSessionContext(session);

    to bind the DataContext to the session.

    I am a bit worried now - is it really this easy?

    I have not configured a org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationListener
    in the web apps web.xml.

    Is it only used for finding the cayenne.xml in the Web-INF scope? I have
    packaged the cayenne.xml with the jar in the global scope of tomcat I
    therefore would not need this discovery feature.

    Or is this listener used to clean up the DataContexts attached to the web
    apps session? Do I need this Listener? Will the DataContexts attached lto
    the session via ServletUtil leak if I do not have the WebApplication
    listener defined?

    Is this setup save?

    thanks a lot.


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