Hi Dave,
Maybe you want something like this:
SelectQuery select = new SelectQuery(classE, restriction);
select.addOrdering(orderBy, orderAscending);
List<E> list = cayenneConnector.performQuery(select);
See more at: http://cayenne.apache.org/doc20/using-orderings.html
Hope that help.
On 16 March 2010 05:11, Dave Dombrosky <dombr..mail.com> wrote:
> Is there any way to use sort expressions in a query? Something like
> "ORDER BY column = id"? I get the error "Unsupported ordering
> expression" when trying to execute a query with this in it.
> Also, it looks like I might be able to do this using in-memory
> sorting, but the Ordering(Expression sortExpression, ...) methods are
> deprecated. So what's the preferred way to sort on expressions in
> Cayenne?
> -Dave
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