Also, when I "touch" (call getXXX) on the object it return empty string.
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Nishant Neeraj <>wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Cayenne with Wicket.
> There are situations when I see object's persistence state HOLLOW.
> Specially, when I have committed something on a page, say by form
> submission, .... then clicked browser back button to come back to the same
> page and try to resubmit the form.
> The problem is, when resubmitting, instead of over-writing the same
> object.. it is trying to insert it in DB.. but since it has unique key that
> conflicts which previous commit, MySQL throws an exception.
> I wanted to know what are the situations when a data object is assigned
> Thanks
> Nishant
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