Re: Elementary Question

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Tue Apr 20 2010 - 10:15:58 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Elementary Question"


    I need a simple verification (because the webhost tech person is very confused).

    To explain further: I am using Cayenne Modeler to design the entities, and to create the database tables in MySQL. (i.e. Tools - Generate Database Schema). My understanding, and my tests have proved, if you set [PK Generation Strategy] to "Database-Generated", and [Auto Incremented] to "oid (INTEGER)" then Cayenne Modeler will "request/instruct/ask " MySQL to create a table, then set the oid as the primary key, and set auto_increment to "true" for that field.

    The following code was generated by the Cayenne Modeler (I deleted everything not having to do with the table or key)

            CREATE TABLE pickers.product (PRIMARY KEY (oid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    The question now is: Has Cayenne Modeler generated SQL that creates a table named "product", with a primary key "oid", whose value is automatically created by MySQL's InnoDB engine, using auto_increment, at the time of the INSERT? Another way of asking this is: In this scenario, does Cayenne generate the key, or does MySQL generate the key?

    I would like to forward a brief response to the webhost.


    On Apr 20, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > Hi Joe,
    > Your wording on #2 and #3 was a little curious to me. I don't know if
    > you used Cayenne Modeler to generate your schema or if you are using
    > an existing schema. Cayenne (at runtime) doesn't really instruct the
    > database (MySQL) to auto-generate keys. Cayenne will nont provide a
    > value for "oid" when inserting the record and that essentially
    > instructs MySQL to auto-generate a key. You set this up when you
    > create your product table, for example. The database needs to know
    > that it is responsible for auto-generating the keys -- Cayenne won't
    > tell it at runtime (other than leaving the key out on insert).
    > Maybe I'm a bit off on what you were asking, but it seems like you are
    > expecting Cayenne to tell MySQL to generate the keys when it actually
    > works the other way around: MySQL is supposed to know to generate the
    > key and Cayenne then asks it for the key it generated.
    > mrg
    > PS. BTW, your settings are correct to use the auto-generated key
    > feature in MySQL, just be sure the table was created to auto-generate
    > on your "oid" column.
    > On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Joe Baldwin <> wrote:
    >> I apologize for this, but I am being forced to verify a configuration that is pretty obvious.
    >> Please refer to the attached CM configuration panel for an Entity.
    >> 1. The Primary Key "PK Generation Strategy" is set to "Database-Generated". Please verify that this means that the PK Generation Strategy is Database Generated.
    >> 2. The Primary Key "Auto Increment" is set to "oid (INTEGER)". Please verify that the field being auto-incremented is "oid".
    >> 3. Please verify that (with the DBMS set to MySQL) that the two previous parameters instruct MySQL to use its auto_increment feature to create a new "oid" value for inserted records.
    >> Thanks
    >> Joe

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