Re: Elementary Question

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Wed Apr 21 2010 - 00:27:58 EDT

  • Next message: Arnaud Garcia: "Re: count(*) with parameter"

    Sure... I can understand that.
    But if you're generating against a db that supports db-generated keys,
    and you have an entity that requests db-generated keys, then it seems
    like there's no reason to include the row for that entity in the
    auto_pk_support table, other than the fact that having it there
    doesn't do any harm (except confuse new users :), but keeps the
    codebase for the schema generation a little cleaner. It smells like
    an oversight, but I'm not sure that it is, so I was curious. :)


    On Apr 20, 2010, at 4/204:09 PM , Michael Gentry wrote:

    > "I'm actually curious to know the rationale behind that one, myself."
    > In the beginning ... OK, I'm speculating here because I wasn't around
    > in the beginning ... I believe Cayenne ONLY supported the
    > AUTO_PK_SUPPORT, although maybe Oracle sequences were there early on.
    > Over time, DB-generated key support was added (sometime in 2.x, I
    > think) and also PostgreSQL sequences. It is also the only method that
    > is going to work on all DBs.
    > mrg
    > On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Robert Zeigler
    > <> wrote:
    >> I can understand Joe's confusion: not only does cayenne generate the
    >> AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table, but it also inserts a row for each table,
    >> regardless
    >> of whether that table is using cayenne vs. db-generated ids.
    >> I'm actually curious to know the rationale behind that one,
    >> myself. :) I
    >> mean, I know cayenne will fall back to using cayenne-generated ids
    >> if the db
    >> connected to (or corresponding driver) doesn't support auto-pk
    >> generation.
    >> But you should be able to detect that at schema generation time,
    >> and you
    >> have the mapping in hand to determine which entities will use db-
    >> generated
    >> pks... so... at the very least, shouldn't you only insert a row for
    >> those
    >> entities which need it?
    >> The flip side, though, is that having an unused row in the db will
    >> have
    >> virtually no performance impact, and it keeps the generation code
    >> much
    >> simpler. *shrug* Just thinking out loud, I guess... I'd love to
    >> hear the
    >> original rationale for including all entities in the table,
    >> regardless of
    >> what their pk-generation strategy is. :)
    >> Robert
    >> On Apr 20, 2010, at 4/203:43 PM , Michael Gentry wrote:
    >>> Hi Joe,
    >>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Joe Baldwin <
    >>> >
    >>> wrote:
    >>>> Michael,
    >>>>> However, I would suggest not doing both strategies on the same
    >>>>> table as
    >>>>> it will probably bite you in the long run somehow.
    >>>> That is not my intention (but I agree with you). I am verifying
    >>>> all of
    >>>> my entities right now. However, the Cayenne Modeler
    >>>> configuration was not
    >>>> clear. You said that if I set the "PK Generation Strategy" to
    >>>> "Database
    >>>> Generated" but then I unintentionally had the "Create Primary Key
    >>>> Support"
    >>>> checked in the "Generate DB Schema" Options dialog, then it would
    >>>> create the
    >>>> AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table.
    >>>> It is not clear to me why you have this in two separate config
    >>>> parameters. Base on your explanation (in the previous email),
    >>>> that if you
    >>>> select the "PK Generation Strategy" type for the individual
    >>>> entities, then
    >>>> the "Create Primary Key Support" option should be automatically
    >>>> configured
    >>>> at that time.
    >>>> Said a different way: why would the Cayenne Modeler create
    >>>> Cayenne-Managed Primary Key Support for tables with the "PK
    >>>> Generation
    >>>> Strategy" to "Database Generated"?
    >>> I think you are confusing Cayenne Modeler's schema generation
    >>> feature
    >>> with Cayenne's runtime primary key support feature. More below.
    >>>> I may be wrong, but base on what you had described, it seems like
    >>>> Cayenne
    >>>> Modeler is creating a conflicting configuration in this scenario.
    >>> There is no conflict. Perhaps if you don't use "Database Generated"
    >>> on any DbEntities then it would be safe in Cayenne Modeler to not
    >>> have
    >>> the checkbox when generating the SQL to create the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT
    >>> table, but I'm not even sure I agree with that idea. Keep in mind
    >>> that each table can have different PK generation options (even
    >>> though
    >>> it would potentially be confusing). Cayenne doesn't stop you from
    >>> using the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT on some entities even when you are using
    >>> MySQL's auto-generated PK on other entities (for example, you may
    >>> need
    >>> higher performance on some tables for bulk inserts). Cayenne will
    >>> use
    >>> whichever strategy you specify for the entity, but allows you to
    >>> create the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT if it is needed (your call) when you
    >>> generate the SQL.
    >>>>> If you have Cayenne generating the keys, it'll push them to MySQL.
    >>>> I agree, but I have clearly set "PK Generation Strategy" to
    >>>> "Database
    >>>> Generated". So my question remains: given that the CM allows
    >>>> conflicting
    >>>> parameters, which one takes precedence here? I have set "PK
    >>>> Generation
    >>>> Strategy" to "Database Generated", are you saying that Cayenne
    >>>> then ignores
    >>>> this configuration?
    >>>>> However, I would suggest not doing both strategies on the same
    >>>>> table as
    >>>>> it will probably bite you in the long run somehow.
    >>>> I agree. That is *definitely* not my intention, (But as I
    >>>> described
    >>>> above, it appears that this is very easy to do with
    >>>> CayenneModeler.)
    >>>> Michael, what you have described concerning CM is not intuitive.
    >>>> I could
    >>>> easily see a designer configuring one table with Cayenne-Managed
    >>>> auto-generation, and another with database-auto-generation
    >>>> (because Cayenne
    >>>> Modeler allows it). If what you are saying is true, then
    >>>> selecting the
    >>>> "Create Primary Key Support" checkbox, will override they
    >>>> "database-auto-generation" parameter.
    >>> That's actually not at all what I am saying. Selecting the "Create
    >>> Primary Key Support" checkbox in Cayenne Modeler's schema generation
    >>> tool just creates it in the schema. It doesn't override what you
    >>> set
    >>> for each individual entity. Whomever is doing the design needs to
    >>> decide how the PKs are generated on each table. In a lot of
    >>> applications it is the same method for all entities, but it doesn't
    >>> have to be that way.
    >>>> If this is as bad as you suggest, then Cayenne Modeler should
    >>>> either
    >>>> prevent this from happening or display an explicit warning.
    >>> I don't think it is bad at all and never suggested it was. It is a
    >>> very important and useful feature.
    >>> mrg

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