Re: cayenne wicket unit test => Current thread has no bound ObjectContext

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2010 - 12:08:43 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Cayenne withing MDB in Jboss"


    Michael is the expert. But my understanding is that the current recommended procedure is to message the BaseContext. Example:

            ObjectContext oc = BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
            ... create a query
            List list = oc.performQuery(query);


    On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:59 AM, Arnaud Garcia wrote:

    > thanks for answers...
    > so,
    > Yes I am doing a Webapp and I have in my web.xml the cayenne filter....
    > I am not sure to understand what is the good way to retrieve the
    > DataContext... Each time I need it I thought I just need to do
    > (DataContext) DataContext.getThreadObjectContext();
    > So now I just have to do change the DataContext by the BaseContext
    > BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
    > since the filter correctly initialized and bind it to the Thread ....
    > is it ok ?
    > 2010/4/22 Joe Baldwin <>
    >> Arnaud,
    >> I read right past the "Wicket" reference; it appears that you are creating
    >> a webapp. Michael is correct. The cayenne filter creates and binds the
    >> ObjectContext for you in this case.
    >> Sorry for the confusion,
    >> Joe
    >> On Apr 22, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >>> Did you configure your web.xml file to use the Cayenne web filter? In
    >>> my application (which is Tapestry, but should apply to Wicket, I
    >>> think) I have:
    >>> <filter>
    >>> <filter-name>Cayenne Filter</filter-name>
    >> <filter-class>org.apache.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextFilter</filter-class>
    >>> </filter>
    >>> <filter-mapping>
    >>> <filter-name>Cayenne Filter</filter-name>
    >>> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
    >>> </filter-mapping>
    >>> mrg
    >>> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Arnaud Garcia <>
    >> wrote:
    >>>> Hello,
    >>>> I am working on a Wicket Cayenne application and when I launch the tests
    >> I
    >>>> have an error when the DataContext is initialized:
    >>>> This line, DataContext ctxt = (DataContext)
    >>>> DataContext.getThreadObjectContext(); throws an
    >>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current thread has no bound
    >> ObjectContext
    >>>> Well, any ideas to set up correctly the tests ?
    >>>> thanks
    >>>> Arnaud

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