Hi Arnaud,
I have used session to store my dataContext
something like this
public DataContext getSessionDataContext(){
this.dataContext = DataContext.createDataContext();
return this.dataContext;
anywhere I need this, I perform this
DataContext dctx = ((MyAppSession)getSession()).getSessionDataContext();
I think it may not solve the serialization issue, if session objects are
serialized. But you avoid creating DataContext at every page.
Not sure if this helps you.
You may want to see how DataBinder[1] has implemented it.
[1] http://databinder.net/wicket/show/overview/
- Nishant
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Arnaud Garcia <arnau..magemed-87.com>wrote:
> Hello,
> I put my question in both forum, (wicket and this one)
> Does anyone knows how to set up Cayenne for wicket ?
> In my WicketPage I have :
> private DataContext ctxt = (DataContext)
> DataContext.getThreadObjectContext();
> but, I don't think it is the good way, since I suppose wicket will
> serialized the full DataContext... (maybe I can put the
> getThreadObjectContext() in a method or constructor to avoid the
> serialization...)
> -> Well, I don't know how what is the good way ;-)
> thanks,
> Arnaud
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