Re: Old web application needs a second database

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 03 2010 - 08:19:52 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Old web application needs a second database"

    On May 3, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Borut Bolčina wrote:

    > There will be cayenne.xml (with node A) and
    > my-cayenne.xml (with node A and B) on the classpath. Is that why?


    > I am not sure how to initialize.

    #1 is created implicitly when you call
    DataContext.createDataContext(). That's the one returned from

    #2 you will have to create yourself and store somewhere. E.g. in a
    ServletContext attribute.

    DefaultConfiguration conf = new DefaultConfiguration("my-cayenne.xml");
    // store it for the app duration soemwhere

    // later when you need a new context:
    Configuration conf = .. // get it from ServletContext or from where
    you put it
    return conf.getDomain().createDataContext();


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