Re: Cayenne Connection Pool Monitoring - to solve "out of connections" error

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed May 12 2010 - 16:16:57 UTC

  • Next message: Joe Baldwin: "Re: Cayenne Connection Pool Monitoring - to solve "out of connections" error"

    On 13/05/10 1:46 AM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
    > I don't believe I can execute the steps outlined in your reference (1. the problem is not reproducible on my development machine and 2. the webhost prevents command line access like this on the Linux server.)
    > Any other ideas?:)

    Attach a profiler like YourKit to the running application: that also lets you get a thread dump at any time. And Andrus mentioned subclassing DriverDataSourceFactory earlier.


    Aristedes Maniatis
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